Release notes Master Packager 18.1.1
[MPDEV-143] - Maximum number of files in a single CAB 64K
[MPDEV-149] - Validate table update only when no required row
[MPDEV-162] - Template flyout apply template buttons
[MPDEV-163] - Template groupbox filter
[MPDEV-166] - Adding files for build - speed improvement
[MPDEV-185] - Change icon > by default select first icon
[MPDEV-189] - Mermodule marge conflict window remove with config
[MPDEV-190] - Apply MST on MSI when different name
[MPDEV-197] - Colour refresh in table editor
[MPDEV-202] - Cut function in table editor is not working
Issues Resolved
[MPDEV-137] - Adding entry from flyout adds it to bottom and does not scroll
[MPDEV-140] - Cannot set Schema: 400 in MP
[MPDEV-158] - CTRL+G does not modify MSI row if cell is not in edit mode
[MPDEV-159] - Remove existing table from MST. Display error.
[MPDEV-160] - Editing transform when msi is set as read only
[MPDEV-161] - Registry treeview is not updating when “replace cell” is used in editor
[MPDEV-164] - Upgrade table existing value change bug
[MPDEV-165] - File Attributes after building compressed file
[MPDEV-167] - Copying and pasting rows from tables with multiple PKs works incorrectly
[MPDEV-168] - UI not responsive during template apply
[MPDEV-169] - Cannot sort Shortcut table Shortcut Name column
[MPDEV-170] - Cascade window is not showing is specific case
[MPDEV-171] - After import table cannot save MSI
[MPDEV-172] - Replace cell(s) bug #2 - MP not see changes
[MPDEV-173] - Replace cell(s) bug
[MPDEV-174] - Choose value in Shortcut table, directory column
[MPDEV-175] - Cannot delete Directory Root_Folder_1
[MPDEV-176] - Pasting rows with generating new keys are calculated incorrectly
[MPDEV-177] - Laggy user interface
[MPDEV-178] - Ini file duplicate records,
[MPDEV-179] - Freeze after cascade update.
[MPDEV-181] - Adding registry row gui
[MPDEV-182] - fail to open specific vendor msi
[MPDEV-183] - Merge module location
[MPDEV-184] - Copy cell adds new line
[MPDEV-186] - HEX editing in table view is not working
[MPDEV-187] - Validation table media row correct value to long integer
[MPDEV-188] - Adding files File version, language bug
[MPDEV-191] - Actions in icon table sometimes return system error
[MPDEV-194] - Mermodule should be able to build only outside when MST
[MPDEV-195] - Filter in table view is not resetting when changing tables
[MPDEV-198] - Row focus improvement using filter
[MPDEV-199] - Cannot delete rows in specific case
[MPDEV-200] - After applying default Template validation warning appears
[MPDEV-203] - Cannot open MSI when icon too large
[MPDEV-206] - After find Replace MSI cannot see that changes were made
[MPDEV-207] - ShortPath improvement
[MPDEV-209] - Hex to dec switch create additional 0x on each switch