Release notes Master Packager 18.8.1

[MPDEV-146] - Template Name rename function
[MPDEV-315] - Adding files update existing entries as an option
[MPDEV-332] - Environment variable capture improvement
[MPDEV-351] - License file should be generated in %AppData% instead of installdir.
[MPDEV-353] - Update component keypath when deleting registries
[MPDEV-363] - Repackager output directory name change from C:\MasterPackager to C:\MRP
[MPDEV-367] - Set Trial license to work only when user have access to internet. Internet is required to check date for trial period
[MPDEV-] - Keybinding Window UI improvements

Issues Resolved
[MPDEV-344] - Shortcut target is set incorrectly if file is not component keypath
[MPDEV-347] - CLSID x64 issue
[MPDEV-349] - Registry values not replaced during repackaging
[MPDEV-350] - File in C:\users\default causes exception
[MPDEV-352] - KeyPath value is not deleted from database (only UI) when deleting from Registry Treeview
[MPDEV-354] - Endless loop on adding files
[MPDEV-355] - Endless loop on adding files
[MPDEV-356] - Repackager gets stuck while adding files with really long names.
[MPDEV-359] - Key replacement works incorrectly on 32bit OS
[MPDEV-361] - Pasting file in to binary table deletes file
[MPDEV-362] - MSI Repackaging default template USERPROFILE directory breaks C:\ replacement in registries
[MPDEV-364] - Shortcut to per user file is captured incorrectly
[MPDEV-366] - INSTALLDIR cannot be set for specific MSI
[MPDEV-] - Set Installdir in Master Packager issue fix for specific MSIs when nothing happend after installdir was set to predifined folder

Known issues
[MPDEV-357] - Editing Custom Action Source column triggers cascade update for InstallExecuteSequence and binary table
[MPDEV-357] - File extension icon is not added for specific extensions