Release notes Master Packager 18.9.1
** Features**
[MPDEV-123] - Report bugs feature
[MPDEV-192] - _Storages table editing
[MPDEV-277] - Master Packager Advanced UI multiple datagrid row deletion
[MPDEV-308] - Advanced UI File Tree view now used in Select Directory/File views in flyouts
[MPDEV-313] - Command line support for repackager
[MPDEV-323] - %userpfile% CA added to default MSI
[MPDEV-345] - Copy per user files, folders during system installation CA template
[MPDEV-372] - Apply HKCU registries for all users during system installation CA template
[MPDEV-373] - Master Repackager user.config in %appdata% to set predefined values
[MPDEV-375] - MRP.exe help command line “MRP.exe help”
[MPDEV-380] - Internal/External file drag and drop improvement for File Tree view.
[MPDEV-385] - License generation for home page
[MPDEV-386] - Auto-Updates notification feature
[MPDEV-391] - License now can be changed from Help>About
[MPDEV-398] - Email used for licensing can be non-case-sensitive
[MPDEV-400] - Template support for MRP commands line
Issues Resolved
[MPDEV-133] - Sorting rows moves selected row
[MPDEV-348] - Removing upgrade from upgrade table caused incorrect SecureCustomProperties update
[MPDEV-357] - Editing Custom Action Source column triggers cascade update for InstallExecuteSequence and binary table
[MPDEV-358] - Service not captured for specific installation
[MPDEV-360] - Update component keypath when deleting file from File Tree view
[MPDEV-365] - AppSearch multiple row deletion
[MPDEV-368] - File extension icon is not added for specific extensions
[MPDEV-369] - Adding new part to PATH variable in front like C:\folder adds pre-existing values to environment table
[MPDEV-370] - Multi string registry import issue
[MPDEV-371] - Extensions that executable file is not a exe file issue
[MPDEV-374] - Multi string registry view from Registry tree view issue
[MPDEV-378] - File rename from UI return system error
[MPDEV-379] - Extension icon not captured when no icon specified
[MPDEV-395] - Deleting file do not remove it from component keypath
[MPDEV-396] - Deleting ini files cause error
[MPDEV-397] - ServiceControl is set incorrectly after repackaging
[MPDEV-404] - Editing upgrade deselects model issue