Release notes Master Packager 18.10.1
[MPDEV-233] - Now when using find and replace default value will be selected cell value
[MPDEV-383] - Added to installation directory default Auto-Repackager PowerShell script
[MPDEV-408] - File/Registry treeview buttons to open treeviews in flyout for full screen experience
[MPDEV-409] - MRP.exe ApplyTemplate command line switch - to generate transform and apply templates
Issues Resolved
[MPDEV-410] - Show license edition text in help about
[MPDEV-412] - Error message for TRIAL license if there is no internet
[MPDEV-416] - Shortcut working dir is not resolved from short-path.
[MPDEV-418] - Applying Template on CustomAction table with modified schema causes multiple CA tables to appear
[MPDEV-419] - Specific Shortcut not captured
[MPDEV-420] - Files in C:\Users\Public\Documents captured incorrectly
[MPDEV-421] - C:\Users\Public\Documents is not resolved correctly
[MPDEV-422] - Cannot select all data types in Edit Schema