How to validate your current installer for MSIX compatibility


Master Repackager will analyze the captured files and registries and will provide you an output of the application functionality, showing what isn’t supported or needs attention for application to work as MSIX.

This will save a ton of time that you’d otherwise spend converting apps to MSIX and then testing manually where in the most cases reverting back to good old MSI without X.

When you use it?

When you want to convert application to MSIX format and want to know if converted application will work under MSIX format.

How important it is read here.

How to use it?

💡 To get the best results always use Virtual Machine to capture changes.

  1. Open Master Repackager

  2. Click on New Snapshot

  3. Make any changes on the Virtual Machine that needs to be captured into MSI file

  4. Click I am done making system changes checkbox and press next

  5. Click on Second Snapshot

  6. Make required changes for captured Application information

  7. Press Validate MSIX compatibility

  8. See if application is compatible as MSIX and if not what are the options to fix that.

MSIX Compatibility Validation output:

  • Type: Incompatible; Warning; Information
  • Description: Describes found issue in the package
  • Path: Path to the source of the issue (available with Master Packager Professional license)
  • URL: More information about the issue and possible solution to resolve it
  • 17+ validation rules
  • Rules can be updated from a remote server without releasing a new Master Packager version to keep up with MSIX development pace and to make sure validation results are relevant